Sarah Pachelli
Chef + Founder of Ssere
Sarah is a chef and registered nutritional counselor. She founded Ssere in 2019 after years of cooking in her tiny Brooklyn apartment and hand-delivering customized meals for people with particular dietary needs. She streamlined many of her most popular recipes to expand her culinary reach and serve NYC folks the healthiest, highest quality meals. Ssere has since expanded to beyond the five buroughs, as it is now shipped around the country.
Like many healing stories, Sarah’s begins with illness. In 2010, after moving from LA to NYC to pivot career paths from actor to something else, she was diagnosed with psoriasis. When the Western approach to medicine led nowhere beyond steroid creams and confusion, she began exploring alternative modes of healing, namely employing an intense elimination diet. This food-based change ultimately cured her autoimmunity and inspired her to pursue a career in food. In 2011, Sarah completed the chef's training program at NYC's Natural Gourmet Institute, where food is used for healing and nutritional knowledge is as mandatory as knife skills. After a fine dining bout at Blue Hill, she realized her gift is making healthy food delicious and segued from the restaurant world into the personal cheffing sphere.
After cooking for many clients with autoimmunities (particularly women), Sarah began to understand we cannot cure chronic conditions with food alone. Instead, it's our nuanced relationship with food that determines and predetermines our overall health and wellbeing in perpetuity. This deeper quest led Sarah to The Institute of the Psychology of Eating in 2018, where she obtained a certification as a holistic nutritional counselor.
Along with owning and operating Ssere, Sarah counsels clients around the world with her personalized nutritional approach. She has a passion for helping people navigate body image issues by cultivating a lasting relationship with intuitive eating and food freedom. She believes there is great wisdom in our struggles, if we pause to listen to what our bodies are telling us.
Last but most certainly not least, Sarah is deeply in love with and endlessly inspired by Sicily, where she travels for work, for pleasure, and to recharge. You can also guarantee she returns to the states with an extra suitcase of special ingredients for Ssere's meals!